Voices? It’s all about the voice.


Dear Readers,

Do you have a bucket list? I do. I don’t refer to it often but things on that list just keep popping up in my life. Like the chance to sing to a crowd and kind of rock it. Or, rappelling off a 180-ft cliff. Stuff like that. So when I was asked to do the voice over for a commercial for sweet romance, I said “yes” without having to check the list.

You can find the commercial by clicking here.

If you’d like to learn more about the authors featured in the commercial, or their bestselling books, simply click on their names below.

Happy reading and get going on that bucket list-you’ll be glad you did. 🙂

Jennifer Youngblood

Brooke St James

Cami Checketts

Lucy McConnell

Rachelle Christensen

Victorine E. Lieske

Kimberley Montpetit

Cindy Roland Anderson

Liz Isaacson

Jeanette Lewis

Kimberly Krey


Echo Ridge Excerpt

Dear Reader,

While You Were Skiing (my book in the Echo Ridge Anthology) starts on March 15th-the last day of the ski season- was an absolute blast to write! Part of the book is based in the Emerald Bed & Breakfast, part of it takes place on Ruby Mountain, and part of it takes place in a small house where Ryder Montgomery recovers from his fall off the chair lift and kisses Mia Davis.

I’m thrilled to share an excerpt from the story with you today. I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Reading,


Book Excerpt:

Mia pressed her palm to her forehead and looked down at Ryder, who was smiling at her like an idiot in love. Love. Real love. Not I’m pretending for the sake of flirting with you, but honest-to-goodness love.

The intensity of it scared her more than his ability to sleep for days on end. She blinked once and took off after the doc.

“Wait!” she called. As adorable as her red shoes were, running in them on a slippery hospital floor was not easy.

The doctor paused so she could catch up.

She grabbed onto his white sleeve. “Isn’t it a bit early to send him home? I mean, he had a big fall, and his head—have you checked his head?”

“We have. All you need to do is keep him happy and calm for a couple of days and I’ll see him on Wednesday.”

“So no brain damage?”



“He’s cleared.”

“What about delusions?”

“Miss Davis.” The doctor sighed heavily. “There’s no reason to worry. Ryder is going to be fine.”

“But—” She wasn’t quite sure how to explain that when he went up the hill he was a near stranger and now he thought he loved her. Never mind the sense she had that she loved him too. They could get a two-for-one deal on head scans.

The doc held up his finger. “Repeat after me: happy and calm.”

“Happy and calm,” Mia repeated.

The doctor nodded once and left her standing there in the middle of the hallway.

“Happy and calm,” she said again on her way back to Ryder’s room. “Happy and calm. And in a few days, everything will be normal and I’ll be alone—again.” She frowned. Alone was not scary; it was familiar. Familiar and grey. If allowing Ryder to believe he loved her kept him happy and calm, she would just have to go with it.

Mia’s nerves were anything but happy and calm, jumping every time her heel clicked against the white linoleum flooring.

When she made it back to the room, she found that Ryder had fallen asleep again. Which was just as well. Maybe tomorrow he’d wake up and this whole engagement would seem like a dream to him. It certainly did to Mia.

To continue reading, click here.

Release Day-Silver Screen Kisses: An Echo Ridge Anthology


Dear Readers,

The Echo Ridge Anthology, based in Upstate New York, is a collection of sweet, contemporary romances that take place in the same small town. The wonderful thing about these books is that the characters in one book show up in another. They interact, live next door, search for love, and work to build their home town.

This set of stories centers around the local B&B, The Emerald Bed & Breakfast. The couple that runs the inn are colorful matchmakers though their efforts aren’t always spot on.

Click here to get your copy.

There’s another twist to the stories and that is that each story is based around a classic rom com. You know the stories, the ones you watched on Saturday nights with a couch full of girlfriends, a bowl of popcorn, and chocolate. The movie theme was So Much FUN! We had a great time brainstorming which movies to use and how we would tie them into the books. Check out the titles and summaries below to see if one of your favorite shows was included.

My Fair Lacey by Janette Rallison
Lacey Johnson has dreamed of opening a restaurant for years. All she needs is one little loan to make it happen. But with the way Lacey talks and dresses, she looks more like someone who would hold up a bank than someone who’d ever get a loan from one. When Garrett Halifax, her roommate’s Harvard-educated brother, volunteers to change her image and teach her to speak correctly, she jumps at the chance. But she quickly finds she’s in over her head. Pretending to fit in with the town’s elite is harder than she thought, and despite her best efforts, she’s falling for Garrett. Could someone who is handsome, rich, and educated ever consider her as more than just a project? A contemporary twist on My Fair Lady, this is a story that is sure to please Echo Ridge fans.

You’ve Got Email by Heather Tullis
Maria never expected to fall in love with a man she’d never met, but she can’t wait to get to her laptop every night to chat with Bobwhite67. She would be happy to focus on getting to know him better, but her two jobs and two sons keep her ridiculously busy. Then there’s her ex-husband’s bookie, who’s impatiently waiting for the last couple payments on his debt.

Bret can’t help but notice how hard the beautiful Maria works and the similarities she has with the Zoomama he’s been talking with online. Though he really wants to make things easier for her, Bret accidentally gets her in hot water with both of her bosses. Can he get Maria to give him a chance in the real world and not just online?

The Princess Bride of Riodan by Rachelle J. Christensen
When a mysterious man offers to help Elise redecorate the old Bed & Breakfast, she gladly hands him a wallpaper steamer. After she discovers his true identity, she doesn’t know whether to curtsy or run and hide. Unfortunately, hiding isn’t an option because her heart is already tangled up with the handsome prince. At the same time, Elise’s old crush from high school wants a relationship and she’s forced to decide whether to chase after a fairy tale ending or stay grounded in reality.

My Best Man’s Wedding by Cami Checketts
Jessica Mason made a vow to marry her best guy friend, Josh, when they turned thirty. When Josh calls with the news that he’s coming home to Echo Ridge for his wedding, Jessica is determined to break up the happy couple and take her rightful place as his bride. Gentry Trine, a coworker, agrees to pretend to be her fiancĂ© to stir up feelings of jealousy. However, Jessica didn’t realize fake fiancĂ©s could kiss like champions, and make a girl smile nonstop. Can she figure out which is the right man for her before she loses them both?

While You Were Sleeping  by Lucy McConnell
Mia Davis’s new job in guest relations at Ruby Mountain Ski Resort gets complicated when the gorgeous Ryder Montgomery falls off the ski lift, tells everyone they are engaged, and then loses consciousness. Things become all the more complicated when Ryder’s estranged family gets involved. Caught up in the fantasy and romance, Mia has to tell the truth or risk losing a part of herself and the man she loves forever.

I hope you enjoy the stories, the romance, and the fun! You can pick up your copy by clicking here. 

The Athletic Groom Excerpt


A baseball team is a complex, ever changing entity. Capturing that in a book was a real trick and one of the most fun challenges in writing the BMB series.

I’ve included an excerpt for the book below. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you have a fun day. 🙂

Book Excerpt:

Isaac rubbed his right thumb up the palm of his left hand as if he were oiling a new first base mitt. To say he was intimidated by Harper’s beauty and obvious intelligence would be as much of an understatement as saying it got kind of dark when the sun went down.

Her long blonde hair hung loosely over her left shoulder. She had blue, almost navy eyes with small specks of silver thrown in like scattered jewels. She was taller than the average woman putting her forehead at kissable height…and her curves! What could Isaac say, he loved a woman with curves and Harper’s knee-length, fitted dress showed hers off nicely.

Logan had insisted they watch her last press conference. She was like a struggling relief pitcher who was blowing the lead. Despite being frazzled, she’d toughed it out and finished the interview. Thinking about her late into the night, he came away with a deep sense of respect. Few people could do what she did.

Which is why, when she said she knew there was more to his story than the printed word, he believed her and opened up, giving the condensed version of his confrontation with Coach Jcobs and his frustration with the idea of winning at all cost. “Don’t get me wrong, I love to win. But I really, really hate to lose.”

“And there’s a difference, isn’t there.” She quipped, finishing his reference to Moneyball. He grinned, the image of the two of them on a sofa, watching a movie together, his arm around her shoulders and her head on his chest filled his mind. The image was so clear, so inviting, that he blinked when she spoke again.

“So why not put the injured kid in the game? He’s a closer, that’s what they do,” she asked in reference to the reason he was fired. She folded her arms.

A sense of being let down washed over Isaac. Baseball was big business and the Richmonds were as big as business came. “I recruited this kid. He has potential to play pro. He was injured off the field but if he pitched, he’d blow out his arm. I couldn’t see him throwing away a future for a single inning.”

“Especially since you were going to lose the game anyway.” Harper lifted an eyebrow, challenging Isaac in a way he couldn’t get a read on.

He could let it slide; agree with her and get the job. But, it mattered to him that she understood. With all the interviews, questions, and prodding, he just wanted someone to understand. He thought, maybe, that someone could have been Harper. Guess not.

“No. Not because we were going to lose. Even if the game had been on the line, if he had been the deciding factor, I would have sat him because a player is more than their throwing speed or batting average.” He stood quickly, his heart running the bases. Coming to California had been a mistake. “Maybe I’m not the one you’re looking for.”

The pressure attacked again as Isaac opened the door to leave.

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