Quarantined on the Island–Release


Dear Reader,

These are crazy times we’re living in. We’ve been through a lot together the last couple of months. But we’re plugging on.

I’m writing.

You’re reading.

Kids are back in school.

Life, though it’s different, is moving forward.

Which means that people are still finding ways to fall in love. And that’s awesome!! 🙂

I’m releasing the 3rd book in the Huntington Family Romance series and I’m thrilled to share it with you today!

If you haven’t seen this series yet, it’s about a family spread all over the world, quarantined in place, and how they make the best of it. I hope you like it!


Click here to start the series.

Or, click here to get the third book because you’ve read the other two and they were awesome. 🙂


Happy reading,



Quarantined in the Office


Dear Reader,

We live in some crazy times. Crazy because toilet paper is more valuable than fresh vegetables and canned beans fly off the shelf like chocolate.


And, since I write contemporary romance, I’ve put it all in a short story. Well, part of it all. I saved some for the second in the short series. 😉 (Which is almost ready. I’ll keep you posted.)

But, while you’re holding up inside and making your own bread–take an hour and read this sweet romance based on COVID-19.

Much love!


Pick up your copy by clicking here.


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