Black Ops Tag: Mission: Harvest Ranch Wedding

I have to admit, this was a passion project. Yes, it falls within my regular genre of romance. BUT, it’s a total ROMCOM in all the best ways!

Imagine this:

Five military police continue a game of tag–only it has a Black Ops twist. Once a year they try to take one another out (i.e. land you flat on your back) in whatever way possible. Sneak attacks are encouraged!

Now imagine that one of the friends is getting married–and he’s it! The four groomsmen are out to get him and he has to hide it from his bride because:

  1. She’s running for office and her image is at stake
  2. She’s asked you to suspend the game
  3. You’re the idiot who was dumb enough to make these guys your groomsmen

Will these two make it to the church or will they be waylaid for the sake of the game?

You’ll have to read the book to find out. BUT don’t worry, I’m not leaving you in total suspense. 🙂

There’s a short story — one that shows how the bride and groom fell in love, FAST. It’s a total love-at-first kidnapping story that you’re sure to swoon over.

You can grab a copy here:

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